Entries by MAndrade

Sustaintable housing for all: grassroots practical public policies to rebuild communities in the Americas

Weatherizers Without Borders (WWB) together with our partners and sponsors are pleased to invite you to the Presentation SUSTAINABLE HOUSING FOR ALL: grassroots practical public policies to rebuild communities in the Americas. The event aims at sharing the current challenges in transferring an American public policy to the Latin American region, with the goal of […]

WWB Begins New Pilot Project in Montevideo

Weatherizers Without Borders launched a new weatherization project in Montevideo, Uruguay. The partnership between WWB and the Uruguayan National government started back in May 2014, when the “Inter-American Weatherization Exchange Program” was launched in Montevideo. At that time, officials and experts from Uruguay, the US, Argentina, Chile and Perú participated in a conference. Also as […]

Inter-American Weatherization Exchange Program – Montevideo, Uruguay – 2014

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2014, WWB organized the first Inter-American Weatherization exchange around the Weatherization Assistance Program experience in the US. The speakers and participants were experts and officials from the US, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Perú. The experts and officials shared experiences from each of their countries, presented energy efficiency initiatives […]

WWB and Soka University from California become partners in a field learning experience

WWB and Soka University of America (SUA) partnered to generate an intensive academic and practical weatherization exchange during January 2016 in Buenos Aires.  WWB trained some 12 students from Soka, California, who travelled to Buenos Aires and after the classroom training did actual weatherization work in low-income households. The exchange was coordinated by Nicolás Maggio […]