Campamento Amanecer, Valparaíso, Chile

In April of 2023, an agreement was initiated between WWB and the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile. The primary objective of this partnership is to expand knowledge and bring solutions regarding the housing deficit that Chile faces in a regional context.

This context is characterized by a significant portion of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean lacking access to suitable housing.

Specifically, it is estimated that within the housing deficit, 6% of individuals in urban areas are homeless, while 94% do not have adequate housing. To address this issue, the implementation of a Latin American Weatherization Program, known as Sustentabilizar Hogares, is deemed the best solution.
Taking this into account, WWB has embarked on a Weatherization Project in Chile, in collaboration with several partners, including the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile and with the support of the IDB. Our work commenced in the outskirts of Viña del Mar, where comprehensive home diagnoses were conducted in the low-income neighborhood of Amanecer.

To effectively diagnose homes with both technical and social variables, our organization is engaged in a coordinated effort with MINVU and our partner ONG Fovisee. This involves training several technical and social officials at the Valparaíso Regional Office, as well as implementing practical training practices in the territory of The Amanecer low-income neighborhood.
By undertaking this approach, we can improve the quality of life for inhabitants by upgrading their homes in the territory. Additionally, this serves as a pilot of our diagnosis of technical and social variables and Weatherization program in Chile, with the understanding that this initiative will have far-reaching impacts in the future.

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